Weekly Planning Alert, 03/07/2024
Planning Alert, Jul. 3rd 2024
New and decided planning application updates issued by Kildare County Council on 03/07/2024
Decided // 45 Maynooth Park, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
for extended vehicle access to front with planning permission to reduce the vehicle access with block wall and block pillars to 4.68m to match all with ancillary works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 29/04/2024
- Decision Date: 23/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Piercetown, Station Road, Newbridge
for single storey and two storey neighborhood center development consisting of; (A) 1no. Convenience store with ancillary off-licence use complete with coffee shop, delicatessen, toilets and associated works at ground floor level. (B) 3no. retail shop units at ground floor level. (C) 1no. takeaway unit at ground floor level. (D) 4no. 2 bedroom apartments at first floor level (E) Car parking, boundary treatments, signage, bin storage, new site entrance / exit, landscaping and all associated site development works. All on previously approved site Pl ref No. 22/1003
New // 1 Greatconnell, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
for (a) the conversion of the existing detached garage to living accommodation with new single storey link to main dwelling (b) the conversion of the existing attic space to habitable accommodation with the removal of the existing chimney stack to the rear to accommodate new rear dormer and 1no. rooflight to the front of the existing roof. (c) Widening of the existing vehicular access to the front. (d) The development is to include for internal alterations, all associated site works, landscaping and drainage
New // Hatters Cross, Curryhills, Prosperous
to change roof construction on 1 bed single storey dwelling on approved planning Ref no 23/67 from mono pitch roof to hip roof and all associated works
Decided // 22 Celbridge Road, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
renovation, alterations, attic conversion, a replacement single-storey extension to the existing house, and all associated site work
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 03/04/2024
- Decision Date: 27/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // No 7 Countown Park, Kilcock, Co. Kildare
for construction of dormer type extension to the first floor at the rear of the dwelling to provide an additional bedroom, home office / storage and a bathroom, along with all associated site development and facilitating works
Decided // Railpark, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
for (a) Construction of 3 no. detached dwelling houses (b) Construction of a vehicular entrance onto the adjoining public road and (c) connection to all main services, boundary treatments and associated site development works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 01/05/2024
- Decision Date: 25/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Kilmore, Enfield, Co. Kildare
for (A) the construction of a two-storey house, (B) the construction of a garage for domestic use (C) the installation of a bored well, (D) the installation of a proprietary wastewater treatment system and percolation area (E) alterations to existing entrance, from a dual entrance to triple entrance and all associated site works
New // Dunmurraghill (Td), Staplestown, Donadea,
for to erect an 18 metre high lattice tower together with antennas, dishes and associated telecommunications equipment, all enclosed by security fencing with an extension to an existing access track
New // Eaglehill, Suncroft, Co. Kildare
for a proposed bungalow & detached garage, new wastewater treatment system, new entrance, and all ancillary site works, to include boundary treatments, stormwater to soakaways & connection to mains water
New // St. Mary’s G.A.A. Club, Green Lane, , Leixlip,
for erection of a coffee and food-snack container and all ancillary site works
Decided // Ballygibbon West, Edenderry, Co. Kildare
for (A) a proposed single storey extension to front (east) elevation of existing studio providing music room for domestic use, (B) for single storey office to side (north) of existing studio for use as an office to service the existing agricultural business and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 25/04/2024
- Decision Date: 19/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Capdoo, Clane, Co. Kildare
Development will consist of the demolition of a habitable dwelling (220sq.m) and associated structures: the construction of 14 no. semi-detached houses (10 no.3 bed houses and 4 no. 4 bed houses), with 14 no. residential car parking spaces and 2 no. visitor spaces: amendments to the SHD development (Ref, ABP-304632-19) to integrate the permitted and proposed internal access road, public open spaces and services; and, all necessary and ancillary water services, surface water drainage, landscaping, car and cycle parking and all associated development and works.
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 01/05/2024
- Decision Date: 25/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Townlands of, Mulgeeth and Mucklon, Co. Kildare
for a period of 10 years to construct and complete a solar PV energy development with a total site area of 80.9 hectares, comprising of the construction of PV panels mounted on metal frames, transformer stations, GRP units, internal access tracks, perimeter fencing with CCTV cameras and access gates, electrical cabling and ducting, temporary construction compounds, widening of an existing entrance, landscaping and all ancillary infrastructure and associated works. The solar farm would be operational for 35 years. The export capacity to grid is estimated to be c. 56MW MEC. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared in respect of this application
New // Corbally, Two Mile House, Co. Kildare
for (A) Erection of single storey type house, (B) Garage / store for domestic use, (C) Installation of an Oakstown BAF wastewater treatment plant with polishing filter percolation area and (D) New vehicular recessed entrance and access driveway and all associated site works
Decided // Carlow Road, Athy, Co. Kildare
of an existing single storey extension to the rear of the existing convenience shop (gross floor area for retention 42 sq.m) and permission for the change of use of existing convenience shop to include part off-licence use, (gross floor area for off-licence use 11 sq.m), and all associated works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 25/04/2024
- Decision Date: 19/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Waterstown, Sallins, Co. Kildare
for an amendment to previously granted planning permission under Reg. Ref. 02/917 to remove Condition Nos. 2 and 3 thereof ( which require the dwelling that was permitted at that time to be operated as a unit and not rented, sold or disposed of except as part of the overall landholding, and to be occupied by person(s) employed by the applicant) so as to permit a split of the overall landholding into two separate units which can be operated, occupied, rented, sold or otherwise disposed of independently, as follows: Development 1 - Main House (permission granted under Reg. Ref. 78/1737) with own existing entrance gates and circa 0.689 ha of lands. Development 2 - Subject dwelling (permission granted under Reg. Ref. 02/917) with own existing entrance gates, stable yard and circa 6.42 ha of lands.
New // Staplestown, Donadea, Co. Kildare
for constructing 4 no. detached dwellings, 4 no. detached garages, new individual effluent treatment system to each dwelling, recessed vehicular entrance and access road off existing laneway and all associated ancillary site-works
New // Rahoonbeak, Dunlavin, Co. Kildare
for the change of house plans (from previously approved under 2360376) for the construction of a detached single storey bunglow, proposed new recessed entrance, single storey domestic garage, septic tank and percolation area and all associated site works
Decided // 898 Grangenolvin Upper, Athy, Co. Kildare
for a single storey extension (games room & gym) to the side of existing single storey garage and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 29/04/2024
- Decision Date: 23/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Coolnefearagh, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare
for Single Storey Dwelling & Domestic Garage with Effluent Treatment System & Percolation Area With New Vehicular Entrance and all associated site works
New // 9 The Green, Elsmore, Naas
of existing attic floor of existing end of terrace two storey house for use as non-habitable office/study and a shower room and all associated site works
Decided // Ballinafagh, Prosperous, Naas
for the replacement of existing obstacle course structure with a new obstacle course structure, replacement of existing entrance 1200mm high timber gate and fence with new 1200mm high aluminium gate and fence and the replacement of existing 1800mm high timber panel fence with new 1800mm high composite timber fence at two locations.
Also provision of new facilities as follows; new 7500L Rainwater harvesting tank, new tarmacadam surface to portion of existing carpark including all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 01/05/2024
- Decision Date: 25/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // 12 Kilheale Avenue, Hartwell Lower, Co. Kildare
for a three storey, 4 bedroom, detached house with single storey rear annex; rooflights at front and a dormer at rear, to the side of the existing dwelling, with provisions for two off-street car parking spaces; new internal sub-dividing party boundary wall; new SuDS drainage and all ancillary works
New // former Cemex site, at Maudlins roundabout, , Dublin Road, Link with Fishery Lane, Naas,
For demolition of all existing buildings on the site (c.9,949sq.m) and north and north-western boundary wall. Provision of new Electric Vehicle Charging Hub for 36 vehicles (all under canopy measuring 3.22m high) along with 8 no. EV bus/HGV charging spaces. Construction of 8 no. buildings (total gfa 10,527.59sq.m) as follows: Distribution centre: single storey structure including offices (gross floor area 9,383.85sq.m) with a maximum height of 19.5m. It includes 13 no. loading bays, Service station – single storey building (759.5sq.m) including net retail area of 99.7sq.m, 3 no. food offers, seating area, drive-thru hatch, toilets, back of house area and external storage compound. The maximum height is 8.55m high. Drive-thru café – single storey building (256.70 sq.m) including kitchen, back of house, seating area and drive-thru hatch. The maximum height will be 6.24m. Substation (gfa 33.54sq.m).
External generator (gfa 37.58sq.m) Service compound (gfa 37.58sq.m) Water pump house (gfa 12sq.m) Refuse compound (gfa 6.84sq.m) There will be signage on the distribution centre, service station and drive-thru café buildings. Free standing signage is also proposed within the site and a totem sign measuring 17.5m high and an information sign measuring 6.8m high at the perimeter of the site. All ancillary development including fuel pumps under canopy (5.6m high), underground tanks, vent pipes, HGV fuel pumps (5.6m high), modified vehicular entrance off Maudlins roundabout, replacement entrance off Johnstown Road with new slip lane, new spine road, car parking (169 – including EV parking and accessible spaces), cycle parking (46) with canopy over (3.1m high), HGV/Bus parking (16 no. – including 8 no. EV parking spaces, HGV only parking 3 no.), drainage infrastructure, boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping (including detention basins), internal roads, footpaths and cycle lanes, outdoor exercise areas, outdoor eating/picnic areas, covered smoking area, overground tank, roof mounted solar panels, new internal roundabout junction, internal control sliding gate, underground fire water storage tank and lighting. All associate site works. The proposed development also includes works on lands in the ownership of Kildare County Council as part of the Key development Area Master Plan and Access Strategy agreed with Kildare County Council, to include: 1. Provision of a left slip lane from the R445 (Dublin Road) to the Monread Road at the Dublin Road Roundabout 2. Minor modifications to kerb line and carriageway to provide two lanes exit onto the R445 (north-east bound) at the Fishery Lane roundabout 3. Minor modifications to kerb line and carriageway to provide two lands exit from Dublin Road Roundabout onto the N7 eastbound slip lane
New // Parsonstown, Carbury, Co Kikldare
for the construction of a detached single story house, single storey domestic garage, recessed entrance, secondary effluent treatment system and all associated site works
New // Derryvarroge, Donadea, Co. Kildare
for the construction of a dwelling, a domestic shed, an onsite wastewater treatment system, a new access road, and a road entrance including an altered agricultural entrance and ancillary works
New // 13 Beaufield Green, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
for a proposed first floor rear extension above existing ground floor rear extension and all associated site works
New // Phase 3, The Glen, Oldtown Mill, Celbridge
for amendments to previously approved (Reg Ref 19/1282) to include the continuation of an internal road and footpath to the western boundary of the site to provide access to and from the adjoining lands, including minor amendments to the open space and boundary treatments
Decided // Land North of An Post Depot, East of Naas IDA Business Park , and West of Mountain View and The Paddocks,
1) 65 no. residential units consisting of : 6no. two storey houses as follows: 1no. House Type 4A, 3 Bed-Terrace 1 no. House Type 4B, 3 Bed-Terrace 2 no. House Type 5A, 2 Bed-Terrace 2 no. House Type 5B, 2 Bed-Terrace 27 no. maisonette apartments in 3 no. three storey blocks as follows: 9 no. Maisonette Apartment Type A, Ground floor Two Bed 18 no. Maisonette Apartment Type B, First/Second floor Two Bed 32 no. apartments in a single , 4 storey block, over basement car parking as follows: 6 no. Apartment Block Apartment Type C, One Bed 10 no. Apartment Block Apartment Type B, Two Bed 16 no. Apartment Block Apartment Type A, Two Bed and associated private open space and residential car parking ; (2) 2 No. public open spaces (c. 2115sq.m & 417sq.m) comprising a total of 2,532sq.m. (3) An internal road network to serve the proposed residential dwellings with access via an existing access from the adjoining IDA Business Park; and (4) All associated drainage arrangements, landscaping, boundary treatments, paths, lighting and site development works including importation of inert fill material(c.1,204m3) at land measuring approximately 1 hectare north of An Post Depot, East of Naas IDA Business Park and West of Mountain View and The Paddocks. Revised by Significant Further Information of: 6 No. of terrace dwellings and an open green space have been transferred to planning application 23/749, thus decreasing this application's boundary and area. The application area has decreased to 8821.0sq.m from 10081.0sq.m. Changes to the general site layout: a) Reorganization of the eastern half of site to break up the 3 no. maisonette blocks into 4 no. smaller blocks which integrate better with adjacent context. b) Introduction of a communal green space measuring 450sq.m. c) Drastic reduction of the number of parking spaces in development from 106 to 60. d) Realignment of path network to correspond with new layout of maisonette blocks, including introduction of new seating areas throughout the site. e) Relevant changes to landscaping to accommodate aforementioned changes. f) SuDs features have been implemented throughout the development, including but not limited to: open bio-retention areas, rain gardens & dry-basins incorporating nature-based play. Storm water strategy has been redesigned with SuDs and the attenuation system has been expanded accordingly. Proposal for upgrade works to existing IDA access roads to facilitate development, including improvement of pedestrian facilities and street lighting. A provision for the inclusion of a childcare facility has been introduced. Changes to proposed maisonette block units: a) Maisonette blocks have been reduced in length and height. b) All elevations have been altered with a new design. c) Floor plan of all proposed units have been altered to include more storage space. d) Ground floor unit private space boundary treatment has been altered to 1.2m metal railing from 2m timber fencing. e) 2 new variations of the maisonette block have been introduced, each with their own set of plans and elevations. Floor plan of apartment block containing units 83-114 have been altered: All apartments have been re-organized to include more storage space. Basement car parking has been removed
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 05/07/2023
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // 89 Arconagh, Naas , Co. Kildare
for 1) The construction of a new ground floor extension to the side and rear of the existing house, 2) This extension to accommodate; a kitchen, living space, utility room, and pantry, 3) New extension roof to accommodate rooflights, 4) Alterations to the existing rear elevation to include the addition of a protruding window seat at ground level. 5) Internal modifications and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 30/04/2024
- Decision Date: 24/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Creche site, Blackmillers Hill Estate, Rathbride Road, Kildare Town,
for change of creche unit previously granted under planning file PLG 22/1104. Permission is sought for a pre-school and afterschool services with creche facilities in a 2-storey unit (456m2). Addition to the first-floor unit, a winter garden (89m2) and play garden (108m2) are proposed at first floor. Permission is also sought for Bin bay area, bicycle shelter, ground floor external play area (90m2) and all associated site works. Egress and exit from the creche will remain as previously granted. Revised by Significant Further Information which consists of 1. Amendments to
red line boundary, 2. Amendments to elevations and associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 29/01/2024
- Decision Date: 26/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Furryhill, Rathmore, Naas
for the Construction of an American Barn and a set of isolation stables to house horses, a fodder store, a lunging ring, a roofed horse walker, a roofed manure pit and effluent tank and ancillary works (i.e. minor landscaping, gates, fencing, concrete yards, hardcore yard areas and farmyard access road - all for agricultural purposes only) in a new farmyard with new farmyard entrance onto private road, and utilising the private road to access the public road
Decided // In the townland of Collegeland, St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth,
for the removal of an existing standby generator (700kVA) to the north of St. Patrick’s College and installation of a new standby generator, at a different location to the west of John Paul II Library, with a capacity of 1400kVA, fuel storage tank, electrical installations, protective bund along with all associated site development works to include protective perimeter fencing to compound. The application site is located within Maynooth Architectural Conservation Area.
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 02/05/2024
- Decision Date: 26/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Ballycaghan, Kilcock, Co. Kildare
for existing single story shed for vintage tractor and car storage, and retention of existing percolation area and sewage treatment system as installed and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 26/04/2024
- Decision Date: 20/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // 1 The Green, Elsmore, Naas
of existing attic floor of existing end of terrace two storey house for use as non-habitable office/study and a shower room and all associated site works
Decided // 28 Leixlip Park, Leixlip, Co. Kildare
for the refurbishment and extension of the existing two-storey terraced house. Changes to the front include the widening of the existing driveway entrance, the addition of a metal canopy above the front entrance door and additional means of rainwater collection with a new rainwater pipe. To the rear, the removal of the existing out building and the provision of a single storey extension with a total floor area of 33,3m2, along with all associated site ancillary works, including drainage and landscaping works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 27/04/2024
- Decision Date: 21/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Carrigeen South, Baltinglass , Co. Kildare
for alterations to an existing single storey house, new rear single storey extension, new wastewater treatment system and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 06/05/2024
- Decision Date: 30/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // 1751a Pairc Mhuire, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
for 1. Retention of (i) conversion of garage and extension to same to form a single storey/storey and half dwelling formally part of original site at 1751 Pairc Mhuire (ii) vehicular access 2. Permission for (iii) Alterations to existing dwelling including replacing garage doors with windows
Decided // Hempstown Commons, Rathmore, Co. Kildare
for the raising of the ridge of existing 2 storey cottage and the renovation of same with minor fenestration alterations, the building of a single storey extension to the rear, the re-configuration of the existing vehicular entrance to provide separate gates to both the farm and dwelling within a single shared recess, the installation of a small onsite waste water treatment system to current EPA guidelines, and all associated site development works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 26/04/2024
- Decision Date: 20/06/2024
- Decision: Refused
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New // No. 1 Glenville Terrace, Naas, Co. Kildare
for A. single and two storey extensions to side and rear, B. All associated site works
New // Baywood Villa, Moorefield Road, Newbridge, Co Kildare
for an existing storage shed, and all associated site works
Decided // Lobos Lodge, Ovidstown, Straffan, Co. Kildare
for the demolition of selected external walls to side and rear, construction of rear and side flat roofed extension totalling 56.10sqm. The development will also include externally insulating the retained house (render and timber finish), alterations to internal layouts, additional window opes, changes to selected existing window opes, proposed rooflights and the installation of a new site specific treatment unit and percolation area replacing an existing septic tank and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 06/03/2024
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Kingsfurze, Naas Industrial Estate, Naas
for the demolition of the existing office block, a proposed two-storey office block, new wastewater treatment system & soakaways, a bicycle shed, carparking, boundary treatments, signage, and all ancillary site works
New // Kilmeague, Coil Og, Co. Kildare
for a 24 metres lattice telecommunications antenna support structure carrying antennas, dishes, remote radio units (RRUs), together with ground-based equipment cabinets, GPS, stock proof fencing, palisade fencing, gantry pole, access track, foot gates, access gates, concrete foundation and all associated site development works for wireless data and broadband services
Decided // Carrigeen, Clane, Naas,
to supersede existing planning permission on the site previously granted under planning ref. 18/290, and extension of duration ref. 2464, and will include the following: Retention Permission for: (1) to retain existing mobile home on site for a period of 18 months, which is to be disconnected from existing site services and removed off site thereafter. Planning Permission for: (1) to demolish the remaining structure of the dwelling house on the site (2) to construct a replacement part storey and a half, part single storey dwelling (3) to close up and decommission existing septic tank and soakpit (4) to install proprietary waste water treatment system and percolation area (6) and all ancillary site development works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 08/05/2024
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Rathcoffey, Naas, Co. Kildare.
for amendments to previously approved planning file 19/914 to remove asphalt finish from car-park and replace with gravel finish and removal of proposed
alterations to parking to front of Church (A protected structure RPS B10-09 and NIAH ref 11901002), and all associated ancillary site-works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 08/05/2024
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: N/A
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Decided // West of Nurney Road (R415), Kildare Town, Co. Kildare
development on lands to the west of the Nurney Road (R415) (containing building formerly occupied by ‘ModusLink’). The proposed development consists of the following: Relocating the existing vehicular entry/egress from the existing roundabout access on the R415 at the southeast corner of the site to a new vehicular entry/egress further north on the R415 along the eastern boundary of the site. The new access arrangements proposed will require works to be carried out on lands in the ownership of Kildare County Council including a proposal to widen the carriageway to accommodate a two lane approach to signal controlled junction, provision of dedicated right turn lane, along with new alignment of public footpath and landscaping. Providing a new, two way road (for public use) along the southern portion of the site with a roundabout junction at the west end. All associated site works including the removal of 61 no. space overflow car parking area to south-west of site and relocation of 61 no. car parking spaces to the east side of the building, reconfiguration of existing car parking area to east side of building, reconfiguration of internal circulation for car and HGV movement, relocation of security hut, demolition of storage shed, new landscaping, new public footpaths and a cycleway. For clarity, no works or change of use are proposed in respect of the existing main building on site
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 21/08/2023
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // 78 Leinster Wood, Carton Demesne, Maynooth
for; A) Retention permission for; a separate single storey garden office room. This space accommodates a home office / study, B) Planning permission for; 1) The removal of an existing porch roof, 2) A single storey, ground floor extension to the side of the existing house, that will accommodate; bigger porch with rooflight above and more living space, 3) Separate new single storey shed with lean-to roof for storage purposes, 4) Change existing vehicle entrance to a pedestrian entrance, and install a new vehicle entrance to the site, 5) Internal modifications and all associated site works and landscaping. The proposed development is within the curtilage of Carton House, associated outhouses, stables and yards which are protected structures. No works proposed which directly affect these structures
New // Townland of Bigbog, Castledermot, Co Kildare
We Copart Vehicle Auctions Ireland Limited intend to apply to Kildare County Council for Planning Permission at the Townland of Bigbog , Castledermot, Co. Kildare for Temporary planning permission for 2 years for hard standing area for storage of cars and all associated site works
Decided // 4 Highfield Park, Kilcock, Co. Kildare
for a single storey and over garage extension to the side of existing dwelling. The single storey (10.7sqm) shall comprise of a porch. The over garage extension (12.7sq.m) shall comprise of a new ensuite and wardrobe. The works also include the alteration of the roof profile to accommodate an attic conversion (60sq.m) at first floor level and all
associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 29/04/2024
- Decision Date: 23/06/2024
- Decision: Refused
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New // 15 Churchfield's , The K Club, Straffan
for modifications and extensions to the existing dwelling house namely: a) construction of a double garage with utility room and living accommodation above b) construction of a new entrance porch, c) demolition of the existing roof lantern on the main dwelling roof d) alterations to internal site layout and all associated site works
New // The Old Odlums Mill, Main Street, , Sallins
for minor modifications to the existing granted planning permission pl. ref. no.: 22/110 as follows: (a) Construction of a new 3 storey apartment block Type ‘E’ that will contain 6 no. apartments. The apartment mix is broken down as follows: 2 x 3 bed own door duplex apartments accessed at ground floor level; 2 x 2 bed own door duplex apartments accessed at ground floor level; and 2 x 2 bed shared access apartments accessed at 2nd floor level off a common stairwell; and (b) All associated site development works to include bin stores, bicycle stores, boundary treatments, landscaping, public spaces, connections to existing foul, surface water and water main networks, and all services. The overall number of residential units proposed in this application is 6 so the overall no. of units for the development will increase from 74—currently permitted—to 80.
Decided // Baronstown West, Milltown, Newbridge,
for construction of single storey domestic garage and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 30/04/2024
- Decision Date: 24/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Drinnanstown North, Rathangan, County Kildare
for (a) New portal frame shed over recycling area / recycling plant. (b) new waste codes accepted on site
New // 646 Fairgreen Road, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare
for 1.Construction new storey and half extension to rear of existing dwelling with single storey link connection 2.Alterations to existing ground floor layout and elevations to accommodate new layout and extended area 3.All associated site works
New // Rathconnell, Nurney, Co. Kildare
for a two storey farm house, garage, new splayed entrance and install a waste water treatment unit and polishing filter and all ancillary siteworks
Decided // 50 Stoneleigh, Naas, Co. Kildare
for A) The conversion of the attic space of my dwelling into habitable space for the provision of a bedroom and office, B) Provision of 2 no. rooflight windows to the rear of the property and 1 no. rooflight to the front of the property, all associated site and development works, and services
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 03/05/2024
- Decision Date: 27/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Martinstown, Suncroft, Co. Kildare
for new farm building in existing farmyard and all associated works and services.
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 26/04/2024
- Decision Date: 20/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Newtowndonore, Caragh, Naas, Co. Kildare
for a proposed single-storey extension to the rear of the house, internal modifications, and all ancillary site works
New // 804 Piercetown, Newbridge, Co. Kildare
for a single storey garden room to the rear of the garden which will house a garage/ home gym/ home office with a total floor area of 44m2 and all ancillary site works
New // Naas Industrial Estate, Maudlins, Fishery Lane
for (A) the use of the site for commercial use for the parking of trucks and refrigerated container trucks, (B) boundary fencing and electric gate
(c) for steel container containing electrical substation (d) all associated site works and permission is sought for: (e) landscaping (planting)
New // Roseberry Stores, Mooney's Road, Roseberry
Permission to extend over existing shop to create small residential unit
Decided // 32 Ballygoran View, Celbridge, Co Kildare
for the construction of a rear and side pitched roof single-storey extension, including two rooflights, and all associated ground works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 07/05/2024
- Decision Date: 01/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Mount Offaly, Carlow Road, Athy
the construction of a car wash facility, comprising of one automatic wash bay, two self-service wash bays, under a covered canopy, with service plant room. The facility will also have three vacuum/valeting bays, public lighting and all other necessary ancillary site development works
New // 13 Castlepark Grove, Maynooth, Co. Kildare
for detached single storey and patrial two storey shed to rear garden
New // Kilmurray, Enfield, Co. Kildare
for change of house type from that previously granted planning permission under file Ref. No. 19/692. The amended house type is single storey with a reduced floor area. There are no modifications to the garage for domestic use, Oakstown BAF wastewater treatment plant with polishing filter percolation area and vehicular entrance and driveway granted under the parent permission file Ref. 19/692
Decided // Tipper Road , Naas, Co. Kildare
for development at lands measuring approximately 1.9 hectares south of Tipper Road, Naas. The development will consist of: 1) 49 no. two storey residential units as follows: 20 no. House type 1A1A.DA.01 and 1A1A.DA.02, 4 Bed-Dormer- Semi-Detached 2 no. House Type 1B, 4 Bed-Dormer- Semi-Detached 3 no. House Type 2A-2A.DA.01, 5 Bed- Dormer-Detached 2 no. House Type 2B-2B.DA.01, 5 Bed-Dormer-Detached 1 no. House Type 2C, 5 Bed-Dormer-Detached 1 no. House Type 2D, 5 bed.dormer- detached 12 no. house type 3A-3A.DA.01, 3 Bed-Semi Detached 4 no. House Type 3B-3B.DA.01, 3 Bed-Semi Detached 4 no. House Type 4A-4A.DA.01, 3 Bed-Terrace and associated private open space and residential car parking; (2) 4 no. public open spaces throughout the residential scheme (c. 521.3sq.m, c.403.3sq.m, 1,520.3sq.m & 550sq.m) comprising a total of 1,9007sq.m. (3) An internal road network to serve the proposed residential dwellings with access via an existing access from Tipper Road; and (4) All associated drainage arrangements, landscaping, boundary treatments, paths, lighting, Signalised Junction and site development works. Revised by Significant Further Information of: 6 No. of terrace dwellings and an open green space from application 23/750 have been included in this planning application, thus extended its boundary and area. The application area has increased to 20270.3sq.m. from 19006.7sq.m. Changes to the general site layout: 1. Introduction of uncontrolled pedestrian crossings throughout the site. 2. Re-alignment of the spine road running from the site entrance to the western boundary. 3. SuDs features have been implemented throughout the whole development, including but not limited to: open bio-retention areas, rain gardens & dry-basins incorporating nature- based play. Storm water strategy has been redesigned with SuDs and the attenuation system has been relocated to underneath of open green space measuring 550sq.m. Proposal for an interim signalised junction to be installed on the site access to Tipper Road until the completion of the Gallops Avenue. The proposed signalised junction includes for the provision of wider footpaths and pedestrian crossing facilities. Proposal for an new access junction from the Gallops Avenue. Ridge heights of house types 1A, 1B, 1A.DA.01, 11A.DA.02, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2B.DA.01,& 2A.DA.01 have been altered to achieve appropriate wall-to-roof ratios in elevation. Further elevation changes to house types 1A.DA.02, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2B.DA.01, 3A.DA.01, 3B.DA.01 & 3B.DA.02 in regards to fenestration. Additional windows have been provided to side elevations of all aforementioned buildings. Floor plans of house types 1A, 1B, 1A.DA.01, 1A.DA.02, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2B.DA.01, 2A.DA.01, 3A, 3B, 3A.DA.01, 3B.DA.01,3B.DA.02, 4A, 4B, 5A & 5B have been altered to include for more storage space within the household
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 05/07/2023
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // No. 39 Primrose Hill, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.
for the construction of a single storey Front Porch to our existing two-storey dwelling house and carry out all ancillary site works
Decided // Mullamast, Ballitore, Co. Kildare
for the construction of single story dwelling , Waste Water Treatment System, Well and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 27/04/2024
- Decision Date: 21/06/2024
- Decision: Refused
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Decided // Newbridge Rugby Football Club, Rosetown, Athgarvan, Co. Kildare
for a proposed new 92m2 single storey steel framed gymnasium building including all associated drainage, infrastructural and site works. Revised by significant Further Information of works to existing site layout, car parking and existing exit gate.
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 24/08/2023
- Decision Date: 25/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Ballybarney, Narraghmore, Co. Kildare
single storey house, agricultural shed, upgrade of existing agricultural entrance to recessed entrance, single storey domestic garage, wastewater treatment system and percolation area along with all associated site development works. Revised by Significant Information of drawings and design submitted with Site Location has changed.
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 28/06/2023
- Decision Date: 25/06/2024
- Decision: Refused
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Decided // Kilmacredock House , Easton Road, Leixlip
for a new porch and bay window and block up existing door to front elevation, new corner window to front and south elevation, remove windows and replace door with window to rear elevation, replace windows with new doors to north elevation, remove windows and create new doors to south elevation, new roof windows to rear of existing high roof, existing side annex low roof & kitchen roof and all associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 28/04/2024
- Decision Date: 22/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // 12 Stephenstown Lawns, Two-Mile House, Co. Kildare
for retention and completion of lower ground level / basement level plan measuring 254 sqm to existing dormer style dwelling, along with all associated site development and facilitating works including site landscaping
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 30/04/2024
- Decision Date: 24/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Oldtowndonore, Caragh, Naas
for a two storey extension to the side of existing house, merging to a single storey section to the rear and side of existing house plus all associated works
New // Hortland, Donadea, Co. Kildare
for detached building containing home office / domestic shed / bulk item storage space, located to the side / rear of existing dwelling, connection to existing site services and all associated development works, (b) full planning permission is also sought for a new single storey domestic extension to rear of existing dwelling. Extension is proposed to accommodate, new kitchen layout, accessible circulation space, sensory / multi-sensory room, accessible bathroom and aqua therapy pool. New works to connect to existing on site services, landscaping and all associated development works
Decided // Timahoe West, Coil Dubh, Naas
to construct Bungalow, Domestic Garage, Oakstown Wastewater treatment system and percolation area and all associated works and services
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 26/10/2023
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // Clanard Court Hotel, Dublin Road, Athy
for the construction of an extension at the rear of the hotel consisting of a staff canteen, a bar to service the existing garden area, toilets, a covered external seating area and all associated site development works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 29/04/2024
- Decision Date: 23/06/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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Decided // 80 Hartwell Green, Kill, Co. Kildare
a single storey extension to rear with conversion of existing attic space to office/playroom/ storage area with new dormer window extension to rear roof with internal modifications and associated site works
- Applicant: N/A
- Status: Decided
- Received: 06/03/2024
- Decision Date: 02/07/2024
- Decision: Conditional
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New // Crookstown Upper, Ballitore, Co. Kildare
for two storey dwelling house, domestic garage, effluent treatment system and ancillary works
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